Since April 1st 2015, the Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information requires the Commission to publish documents transmitted within the context of a request for access to information, along with the de-identified ruling by the person responsible for granting the access. This publication must be made within five days from the day the response to the applicant was sent.
Requests targeted under this obligation are classified from newest to oldest.
Activités indispensables
Transmission de la réponse : 2020-05-04
Diffusion sur le site Internet : 2020-05-04
Information sur la main d’oeuvre
Transmission of the reply : 2020-02-18
Publication on website : 2020-02-19
Genre et appartenance religieuse de avocats et notaires
Transmission of the reply : 2020-02-04
Publication on website : 2020-02-04
Plan directeur en ressources informationnelles
Transmission of the reply: 2019-12-17
Publication on website: 2019-12-19
Salaries over $100,000
Transmission of the reply: 2018-09-17
Publication on website: 2018-09-18
Bonuses earned in 2015-2016
Transmission of the reply: 2016-08-24
Publication on website: 2016-09-14
Accountability report on sustainable development for the years 2008-2009 to 2014-2015
Transmission of the reply: 2016-01-12
Publication on website: 2016-01-12