The Commission carried out three operations on the effectiveness of success plans in colleges. In the first operation (2001-2002), it evaluated academic success plans. To do this, it selected four evaluation criteria relating respectively: to the thoroughness of analysis and the clear identification of barriers to success; the choice of strategies and of the means associated with overcoming the obstacles detected; the adoption of appropriate organizational measures; and to the different implementation methods. With the help of these criteria during the second operation which took place from 2002 to 2004, the Commission evaluated student success plans as put forward by public and private subsidized colleges to the Minister of Education during the years 2000-2001.
Based on the 2001-2002 follow-up report by colleges to the Minister of Education, and also on further information requested of the colleges, in 2002-2003, the Commission carried out an analysis of the effectiveness of Success Plans by studying a college’s capacity to introduce the intended measures, to resolve organizational issues and to adjust measures based on the results obtained during the operation. It also carried out a first report on the effectiveness of success plans during the years 2003-2004.
The Commission issued evaluation reports to colleges involved, and published a summary report on the evaluation of academic success plans. These individual institution reports can be accessed via the list of institutions affected by the Commission’s mandate.
Within the scope of a third operation which also touched upon Cegep’s success and strategic plans, the Commission asked private subsidized colleges to judge the effectiveness of their student success plan by evaluating the achievements of goals in terms of their results obtained. Colleges were required to take a critical look at their plan and examine the results obtained in a context of development (from obstacle analysis to success, to the determination of indicators) and plan implementation. This exercise also allowed colleges to verify the relevance of indicators used to determine progression in reaching goals, and in certain cases, to improve the effectiveness of the resources employed.
This operation helped the Commission ensure proper success plan follow-ups.
In March 2008, the Commission forwarded a document to the institutions in question, presenting its guidelines. In April, it also forwarded the analytical framework which indicated its expectations and specified the elements upon which its analysis rested in reports submitted by Cegeps
A summary report of the operation was made public in 2014. This document presents the main findings of this operation, carried out since 2007 among 68 institutions. It also explains the the effectiveness of the strategic plan.