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The Commission d’évaluation de l’enseignement collégial is an independent and public quality assurance organization whose mission is to contribute to, and demonstrate the development of the quality of college education.

The Commission’s mission covers all college-level institutions governed by the College Education Regulations (RREC). Currently this comprises a network of 119 institutions.

As mandated by law, the primary function of the Commission is to evaluate the following elements for each institution :

  • institutional policies on the evaluation of student achievement, including procedures for the certification of studies, and their implementation;
  • institutional policies on program evaluation and their implementation;
  • implementation of programs of study authorized by the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, taking into account the objectives and standards assigned to them;
  • objectives, standards, and implementation of programs of study established by the institution, taking into account the needs that these programs are designed to meet.

In 2002, the scope of the Commission’s mandate was modified to include, for cegeps and subsidized private colleges, the evaluation of:

  • activities related to their educational mission regarding administrative and academic planning and management as well as instruction and support services; for cegeps this includes an evaluation of their strategic plans.

Furthermore, the Commission has been granted three major powers through legislation: the power to verify, the power to make recommendations, and declaratory powers to make its work publicly available.

Operating with a considerable degree of autonomy, the Commission can as a result collect from institutions any relevant information required to do its work, set forth recommendations on actions to improve quality in a specific area, and make its evaluation reports publicly available. The recommendations issued by the Commission require follow-up by the institutions concerned, which must inform the Commission of the work carried out to implement them.

The Commission is made up of four commissioners, including a President, appointed by the government for a term of up to five years, renewable once. Denis Rousseau, president, Éric Aubin, Gordon Roland Brown and Edith Joyal, Commissioners.

Twenty people assist the members of the Commission in their tasks.

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